Analysis of actual usage of contact tracing applications among young adults: a case study of Germany


  • Lana Masnec University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Marina Trkman University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Public Administration



contact tracing application, technology acceptance, actual use, young adults, COVID-19 pandemic


The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic was seen by many as a major milestone for the mass uptake and use of eHealth services. Contact tracing applications are part of the eHealth services that can make an important contribution to controlling the spread of the disease. These are only effective when a sufficient proportion of the population (56-60%) actually uses them, which was not achieved in European countries at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. As we can expect the spread of dangerous viruses in the future, it is necessary to understand holistically the drivers of active use and rejection of contact tracing applications. In this article, we examined whether previously known factors influencing the intention to use also influence the actual use of the application. We focus on young adults aged between 18 and 35. We find that the key factors influencing the actual use of a contact tracing application are perceived ease of use, social influence, perceived usefulness at the personal level, and privacy concerns. However, we have not confirmed the impact on perceived usefulness at the societal level and on trust in technologies.

Author Biographies

Lana Masnec, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences

Lana Masnec je magistrica družboslovne informatike. Magistrirala je na Fakulteti za družbene vede na Univerzi v Ljubljani, z delom Dejavniki vpliva na aktivno uporabo aplikacije za sledenje stikov med mladimi: študija primera Nemčije. Osredotoča se na področje privzemanja in oblikovanja digitalnih storitev in je zaposlena kot freelance oblikovalka uporabniške izkušnje.

Marina Trkman, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Public Administration

Doc. dr. Marina Trkman je zaposlena na Fakulteti za upravo in Fakulteti za družbene vede Univerze v Ljubljani.. Doktorat je opravila na Fakulteti za računalništvo in informatiko UL. Svoj podoktorski projekt je vodila na Institutu Jožefa Štefana. Raziskovalno se ukvarja: 1) s preiskovanjem dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na privzemanje informacijsko komunikacijskih tehnologij in 2) z analiziranjem poslovnih procesov za optimizacijo poslovanja. Kot prvi avtor je objavila članke v prestižnih revijah kot sta International journal of information management in pa Government information quarterly.



How to Cite

Masnec, L. and Trkman, M. 2024. Analysis of actual usage of contact tracing applications among young adults: a case study of Germany. Applied Informatics. 32, 1 (Jul. 2024). DOI:



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