Online notes: a real-time speech recognition and machine translation system in university lectures


  • Tjaša Šoltes University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science
  • Jan Vasiljević University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science
  • Marko Bajec University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science



university lectures, machine translation, automatic speech recognition


Online Notes is a system for automatic speech recognition and real-time translation at the level of university lectures which has been developed at the University of Ljubljana. The system is primarily intended for students of the University of Ljubljana who do not understand Slovenian well or do not understand it at all, as well as students with sensory impairments. Within the project, we have developed two speech recognition models and a web application consisting of four portals. So far, 29 pilots have been carried out, among them a semester pilot, where we followed two exchange students of the Erasmus+ program who, during the entire semester, attended the Spatial Statistics course at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy at the University of Ljubljana in Slovenian using the Online Notes system. In addition to the real time use, they also had automatically generated subtitles in English available as learning material, which were created on the basis of corrected Slovenian transcripts. The two students successfully completed all their study obligations. They pointed out that the system is very useful for students who do not understand Slovene, as it makes it possible to follow lectures, and they also pointed out certain shortcomings, such as the cognitive complexity of monitoring the system, the lecturer in the table at the same time, and the poor quality of translations in lectures in alive.

Author Biographies

Tjaša Šoltes, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science

Tjaša Šoltes je raziskovalka v Laboratoriju za podatkovne tehnologije na Fakulteti za računalništvo in informatiko UL in doktorska študentka programa Digitalno jezikoslovje. Ukvarja se z obdelavo naravnega jezika, posebno za namene govornih tehnologij. Sodelovala je pri raznih projektih na temo digitalizacije slovenskega jezika in uporabe govornih tehnologij za slovenščino, denimo RSDO (Razvoj slovenščine v digitalnem okolju), Online Notes, razvoj sintetizatorja govora za slovenski jezik, pilotni projekt uporabe govornih tehnologij v Državnem zboru ipd.

Jan Vasiljević, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science

Jan Vasiljević je študent prvega letnika magistrskega programa Računalništvo in informatika na Fakulteti za računalništvo in informatiko Univerze v Ljubljani. V svoji diplomski nalogi je preučeval vpliv psihometričnih lastnosti v skupinskih okoljih in napisal članek, objavljen v reviji Electronics. Kot študent dela v Laboratoriju za podatkovne tehnologije in trenutno sodeluje pri projektu ON. V sklopu projekta razvija zaledne storitve in integracijo z govornimi tehnologijami.

Marko Bajec, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science

Marko Bajec je redni profesor ter vodja Laboratorija za podatkovne tehnologije na Fakulteti za računalništvo in informatiko Univerze v Ljubljani. Raziskovalno in aplikativno se ukvarja z razvojem podatkovno intenzivnih sistemov. V zadnjih letih večino časa posveča govornim tehnologijam ter
digitalizaciji slovenskega jezika. Na tem področju je vodil številne projekte kot npr. Samodejno podnaslavljanje TV programov na RTV SLO, Uvedba govornih tehnologij v Telekom Slovenije ipd.



How to Cite

Šoltes, T., Vasiljević, J. and Bajec, M. 2024. Online notes: a real-time speech recognition and machine translation system in university lectures. Applied Informatics. 32, 1 (Jul. 2024). DOI:



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