Analysis of the use of online analytics in small and medium-sized enterprises in Slovenia


  • Eva Grobiša
  • Jure Erjavec Ekonomska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani



small and medium-sized enterprises, web analytics, web analytics tools


With the rapid development of the web and the growth in volume of business that companies make online, web analytics are gaining in importance. The purpose of the research presented in this paper was to determine the extent to which web analytics are used in Slovenia, which web analytics tool is most widely used and how the results of web analytics affect the operations of small and medium-sized enterprises in Slovenia. The survey was carried out on the basis of an online questionnaire, which was forwarded to 1000 companies at the end of 2017. The survey involved 199 respondents, of whom 158 fully or partially completed the survey. The results of the survey show that web analytics in small and medium-sized enterprises in Slovenia is not yet as developed as expected. Most businesses have employees who are only partially engaged in web analytics. It turned out that certain expectations with the launch of the web analytics were greater than the actual results.

Author Biographies

Eva Grobiša

Eva Grobiša je diplomirala na Ekonomski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, smer javni sektor. Nekaj let kasneje pa na isti fakulteti tudi magistrirala, smer poslovna logistika. Šestnajst let je bila aktivna športnica in v času študija zastopala Ekonomsko fakulteto na številnih košarkarskih tekmovanjih. Trenutno je zaposlena na Mestni občini Ljubljana na Oddelku za varstvo okolja.

Jure Erjavec, Ekonomska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani

Jure Erjavec je docent na Ekonomski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, kjer poučuje predmete s področja poslovne informatike, poslovne logistike in managementa oskrbnih verig ter je vodja podiplomskega študijskega programa Poslovna logistika. Raziskovalno se ukvarja s področji digitalne preobrazbe in managementa oskrbnih verig. Svoje raziskovalno delo je med drugim objavil v International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research, Applied Ergonomics in drugih uglednih mednarodnih revijah. Sodeluje in vodi različne svetovalne projekte, nazadnje na področjih upravljanja poslovnih procesov, poslovne analitike in prevzemanja tehnologij.



How to Cite

Grobiša, E. and Erjavec, J. 2019. Analysis of the use of online analytics in small and medium-sized enterprises in Slovenia. Applied Informatics. 27, 4 (Dec. 2019). DOI:



Professional papers