Uporaba lokalnih podatkov za boljše spremljanje turističnih tokov: kritična perspektiva





Tourist flows, Local data, Sustainable tourism, Tourism 4.0


This paper advocates for the utilization of local data in tourism management to enhance sustainable development and resource allocation. It emphasizes the importance of real-time or high-frequency data over conventional aggregated methods considering also the development of European data spaces where reuse of data is of crucial importance. It is presented the Mountaneering 4.0 project and legislative barriers hindering data accessibility, despite efficient data collection systems. The paper introduces the Tourism 4.0 initiative, prioritizing local community well-being and advocating for innovative tools and legal reforms to improve data utilization and public safety.

Author Biographies

Urska Starc Peceny, Arctur

Urška Starc-Peceny, PhD, is an accomplished innovation specialist with expertise in business communication and new technologies. She received her international education in Slovenia, Italy, and Austria. In 2001, her PhD thesis entitled "Netlife" paved the way in research of collaboration design in an AI and big data-driven reality.
With over 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur across Europe and the Middle East, Urška is active as an independent expert and leads at Arctur Ltd. the Tourism 4.0 initiative. In this role, she is dedicated to spreading Industry 4.0 technologies into the tourism sector to create a better future for all. She is proud to be part of several flagship projects co-creating the European Transition Pathway, including data spaces for tourism, cultural heritage and media. She is deeply passionate about digital innovation of heritage.
Living between Slovenia and Vienna, Austria, she leads the NASA Space Apps Challenge and serves as an assistant professor on smart-related topics.

Tomi Ilijaš, Arctur

Tomi Ilijaš je ustanovitelj in direktor podjetja Arctur in je diplomiral Fakulteti za elektrotehniko Univerze v Ljubljani. Gospod Ilijaš je podjetnik, ki se osredotoča na visokotehnološke inovacije in sodeluje pri številnih raziskovalnih projektih doma in v tujini. Uvajal je napredne poslovne modele in prebijal led pri uvajanju superračunalništva in umetne inteligence v mala in srednja podjetja širom Evrope. Bil je član IAC (Innovation Advisory Council) evropskega programa PRACE in predstavnik Slovenije v EURO HPC Research and Innovation Advisory Group (RIAG) in V zadnjem času se osredotoča na prenos ključnih tehnologij Industrije 4.0 na druga področja, predvsem v zdravstvo in turizem.



How to Cite

Starc Peceny, U. and Ilijaš, T. 2024. Uporaba lokalnih podatkov za boljše spremljanje turističnih tokov: kritična perspektiva. Applied Informatics. 32, 2 (Aug. 2024). DOI:https://doi.org/10.31449/upinf.227.



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