Digital competences of Slovenian students


  • Pia Pičulin
  • Anja Žnidaršič Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
  • Marjeta Marolt Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede



digital competences of students, Covid-19 pandemic, Slovenian students, socio-demographic characteristics


Students' digital competences are essential for their success in higher education and later in the labour market. However, there has been little research on students' digital competences. Moreover, we note that the results of recent studies that have shown the importance of socio-demographic factors in the development of students' digital competences are inconsistent. In addition, little is known about how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected students' digital competences. Therefore, a questionnaire based on the digital competence framework has been developed and distributed to Slovenian students. The results of the students' self-assessment show that they are most competent when it comes to communicating and collaborating using information and communication technology, as well as browsing, searching, evaluating, storing and processing information, and are somewhat less competent when it comes to protecting their devices and personal data, and least competent in developing, positioning and recreating digital content and in solving technical problems using information and communication technology. In addition, their digital competences do not differ by gender, age or education level, and the Covid-19 situation has not significantly improved their digital competences.

Author Biographies

Pia Pičulin

Pia Pičulin je zaključila študij na Fakulteti za organizacijske vede Univerze v Mariboru. Njeno raziskovanje je usmerjeno na razvoj digitalnih kompetenc.

Anja Žnidaršič, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede

Anja Žnidaršič je izredna profesorica za področje kvantitativnih metod v organizacijskih vedah na Fakulteti za organizacijske vede Univerze v Mariboru. Področja njenega raziskovanja so manjkajoči podatki v omrežjih, dosežki študentov pri metodoloških predmetih, sprejetost zelenih IS ter sprejetost podkožnih mikročipov. Rezultate raziskovalnega dela objavlja v znanstvenih revijah in na konferencah.

Marjeta Marolt, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede

Marjeta Marolt je docentka za področje informacijskih sistemov na Fakulteti za organizacijske vede Univerze v Mariboru. Področje njenega raziskovanja je v zadnjih letih predvsem usmerjeno na digitalno preobrazbo, inoviranje poslovnih modelov in poslovno inteligenco. Aktivno sodeluje na domačin in mednarodnih projektih. Rezultate raziskovalnega dela objavlja v znanstvenih revijah in na konferencah.



How to Cite

Pičulin, P., Žnidaršič, A. and Marolt, M. 2023. Digital competences of Slovenian students. Applied Informatics. 31, 3 (Nov. 2023). DOI:



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