Digital Sustainability depends on Digital Literacy


  • Aljanka Klajnšek



lifelong learning, digital transformation, digital literacy, the Court of Audit of the Republic of Slovenia


The Republic of Slovenia has decided in its strategic development documents that it wants to build its development sustainably and with the help of digitization. However, insufficient attention is paid to some key requirements that must be met for such a transition. One of them is (digital) literacy of the population, which can be achieved through lifelong learning. The purpose and desired effect of the concept of lifelong learning is to create an environment in which individuals, in an era of rapid and major technological changes, develop their skills for an independent and active life and integration into society throughout their lives.

The Court of Audit of the Republic of Slovenia carried out an audit in which it addressed the implementation of lifelong learning in the Republic of Slovenia with an emphasis on adults. The aim of the audit was to establish whether the Republic of Slovenia is effective in enforcing lifelong learning as a social development strategy.

This article presents findings of the audit and focuses on the importance of lifelong learning and availability of data on the skills of the population for a realistic assessment of competences in the Republic of Slovenia required for a transition to a digital and sustainable society. It concludes with some recommendations for improvement.

Author Biography

Aljanka Klajnšek

Aljanka Klajnšek je diplomirala na Filozofski fakulteti in Pravni fakulteti v Ljubljani. Je magistra znanosti pravnih ved Pravne fakultete v Ljubljani in doktorandka Pravne fakultete v Mariboru. Zaposlena je na Računskem sodišču Republike Slovenije kot pomočnica vrhovne državne revizorke. Njeno ožje strokovno področje so revizije smotrnosti poslovanja, posebej revizije k ciljem in rezultatom usmerjenega proračuna, reforma proračunskega upravljanja v Sloveniji, strateško-razvojno načrtovanje in revizije trajnostnega razvoja, o čemer predava na mednarodnih in domačih konferencah ter objavlja znanstvene in strokovne prispevke



How to Cite

Klajnšek, A. 2023. Digital Sustainability depends on Digital Literacy. Applied Informatics. 31, 2 (Aug. 2023). DOI:



Contributions from Days of Slovenian Informatics conference