Coding4Girls - an approach for teaching programming through game design


  • Mateja Bevčič Univerza v Ljubljani
  • Jože Rugelj Univerza v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fakulteta



algorithmic thinking, visual block-based programming language, learning programming, learning by designing games


The goal of the Coding4Girls project within the Erasmus+ programme, which we are implementing with partners from six European countries, is to design and develop an innovative approach to teaching computer programming in primary and secondary schools. Particular emphasis is placed on encouraging girls to learn programming and to continue their education and employment in the field of computer science. Numerous studies show that pupils and especially girls lose interest in this field during the last years of primary school, although there is a great lack of experts in this field on the labour market in all European countries. The article presents an innovative approach to learning programming by designing games using visual block programming languages and prepared learning scenarios, materials for students and teachers and a developed online learning environment with gamification elements that can be used by teachers in the classroom. We also presented the results of testing the development of didactic approaches and learning materials that we have carried out with project partners.



How to Cite

Bevčič, M. and Rugelj, J. 2021. Coding4Girls - an approach for teaching programming through game design. Applied Informatics. 29, 1 (Mar. 2021). DOI:



Professional papers