Tourism 4.0: The challenges and opportunities for the local community


  • Urška Starc Peceny
  • Simon Mokorel ARCTUR
  • Tomi Ilijaš



industry 4.0, new technologies, sustainable tourism, tourism 4.0


In light of the predictions of increasing tourist activities in the future, it is essential to ensure their sustainable growth in order to mitigate the negative impacts of tourism on the social and natural environments. At the same time, each destination must continuously innovate in order to compete with other destinations. The Tourism 4.0 collaboration platform employs modern technologies to address both problems: it creates an environment of continuous innovation in the tourism sector by involving its users in the development of new tourism products, and in respect to privacy provides free access to the collected data. In the implementation of the technological solutions of Tourism 4.0, local communities play a vital role, and as a result, they are placed at the centre of the ecosystem of the future tourism.



How to Cite

Peceny, U.S., Mokorel, S. and Ilijaš, T. 2019. Tourism 4.0: The challenges and opportunities for the local community. Applied Informatics. 27, 2 (Jul. 2019). DOI:



Professional papers