Evidence-based nursing e-classroom


  • Alenka Baggia Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Univerza v Mariboru
  • Robert Leskovar
  • Branislav Šmitek
  • Saša Mlakar
  • Katja Pesjak
  • Mateja Bahun
  • Manuel Lillo-Crespo
  • Jorge Riquelme Galindo
  • Christine Fitzgerald
  • Liz Kingston
  • Alice Coffey
  • Lucia Cadorin
  • Alvisa Palese
  • Barbara Narduzzi
  • Sara Scarsini
  • Uroš Rajkovič




e-learning, e-classroom, interactive content, gamification, nursing, evidence-based nursing


Similar to other educational sectors, postgraduate nursing studies have also shifted to the online environment to some extent in recent times. The idea of developing a common platform for learning on evidence-based nursing emerged even before this change in education. E-learning on evidence-based nursing will provide easier access to the available material. The integration of interactive elements in the e-classrooms will further motivate students to actively participate in education. Due to its widespread use in education and accessibility, the Moodle learning management system was selected as the development platform. Moodle, with its wide range of activities, offers a variety of interactive elements that can be integrated into the e-Classroom, and the number of elements is even greater with the use of BigBlueButton and H5P plugins. To help healthcare education providers decide how to present content, we developed a prototype e-Classroom. Based on information on educational needs gathered during the project, we identified the main topics for which we will develop an interactive e-Classroom for evidence-based nursing.



How to Cite

Baggia, A., Leskovar, R., Šmitek, B., Mlakar, S., Pesjak, K., Bahun, M., Lillo-Crespo, M., Riquelme Galindo, J., Fitzgerald, C., Kingston, L., Coffey, A., Cadorin, L., Palese, A., Narduzzi, B., Scarsini, S. and Rajkovič, U. 2022. Evidence-based nursing e-classroom. Applied Informatics. 30, 1 (May 2022). DOI:https://doi.org/10.31449/upinf.148.



Professional papers